Emergency Planning
Consulting and Training

Prepare your business for tomorrow's disasters


We help you make your business continuity and emergency plans operational

As President and General Dwight Eisenhower was once quoted as stating “In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” We work with our clients to focus planning on defining roles and responsibilities, developing actionable checklists, and ensuring resources are identified and procured. Let’s be clear, an outmoded plan that sits on a shelf, collecting dust, is not a plan.


Train Up and Test Your Limits

Because we know what it feels like in the heat of a crisis situation and managing the myriad exigencies, we put your organization in a realistic simulation, dealing with the most stressful situations in the most extreme scenarios. We don’t just look at the disasters of the past; we look at the worst case scenarios that could happen in the future, based on changing climate models, a wide range of critical risk events, and the major vulnerabilities within your organization and with external stakeholders and environmental factors. We provide the following services and capabilities:

  • Business Continuity and Emergency Operations Plan Development

  • Business Continuity/Emergency Management Workshops and Training

  • Drills and Exercises

Areas of functional expertise:

  • Program and project management

  • Logistics and resource management

  • Emergency Operations Center/Incident Management

  • Public health and medical response

  • Human services

  • Disaster recovery

  • Emergency staff deployment and management systems

  • Learning management systems

“Andrew has managed major emergency management programs for the City of New York and advised us on policy changes and provided guidance throughout the years as a subject matter expert in emergency preparedness. He clearly lays out every aspect of a project for us, ensuring that everything is well understood in advance, and at each point along the way. I would highly recommend Andrew without hesitation for any project.”

—Brian Hartig, former Deputy Director for Emergency Planning Dept. NYC Department of Homeless Services; Officer US Marine Corp. (former)



Contact us today for a free consultation or review of your business continuity or emergency plans

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