Preparing for Continuity of Operations During a Pandemic
The NYC Dept. of Health called on Andrew and his team to develop a pandemic planning toolkit for healthcare organizations, non-profit, and community and faith-based organizations that provide critical services to NYC residents. While NYC Dept. of Health has a pandemic influenza plan and continuity of operations, this did not extend to these groups.
We researched best practices and sources of support within communities and resistance to emergency planning around pandemics. Using these practices as a basis, we engaged a representative group of organizations and conducted a progressive series of workshops to develop an innovative planning toolkit, consisting of a planning guide, workshop, and video overview.
Community members were engaged in the process and became staunch advocates for the pandemic planning toolkit, bringing it out to the community and presenting it at an industry conference. We delivered the workshop to the American Red Cross of Greater New York, the largest chapter in the USA; this drove their effort to review and revise their pandemic planning and continuity of operations.